Kick-off meeting
IMDEA Nanociencia is hosting on the 2-3rd February 2017 the kick-off meeting of the By-Axon project, funded by the European Union through the Future and Emerging Technologies programme (FET-OPEN). The project is coordinated by IMDEA Nanociencia and its consortium comprises three research institutions, a medical centre and a company, from four European countries (Spain, Italy, France and Germany).

ByAxon in the Early Stage Researchers Workshop
Beatriz Rodilla is presenting her work on conductive nanowires in the 7th Early Stage Researchers Workshop held in IMDEA Nanociencia (Madrid). The workshop gathers together young scientists from different branches of science, such as Physics, Chemistry or Biology, with the purpose of sharing their knowledge on Nanoscience in a relaxed atmosphere.

Our website is released
The website of the ByAxon project has been released. Information on the goals, achievements and dissemination material can be found in www.byaxon-project.eu.

Sadaf Usmani visits SESCAM
Sadaf Usmani, a pre-doctoral researcher in SISSA, has visited SESCAM for a short stay from July, 24th to August 12th, for collaboration purposes within the context of the ByAxon project. [July 2017]

Bruno Guillet from GREYC Lab (CNRS) in Eurosensors 2017 Paris
Dr. Bruno Guillet, from GREYC lab (CNRS) was presenting the project ByAxon in the poster session of EUROSENSORS. EUROSENSORS is a series of conferences that addresses the entire field of sensor science technologies (Sensors, Actuators, Microsystems and Nanosystems) and discusses the recent development and potential applications. Eurosensors attracts every year about 500 participants from Europe and abroad. In this XXXI edition, held in Paris, Bruno presented the GREYC approach to neural interfaces, based on LSMO anisotropic magnetoresistance. [05.09.2017]

ByAxon, a topic in Future Port Prague
Rodolfo Miranda, director of IMDEA Nanociencia and principal investigator of ByAxon, is one of the visionary speakers at Future Port Prague, the largest futuristic and visionary event on exponential technologies in CEE. The date: 7th of September 2017.

mdf-Diagnostics in the 55th Anual Meeting of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science
mdf-Diagnostics is taking part in the 55th Anual Meeting of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science in Köln (Germany). The meeting gathers together scientists and companies interested in the research that involves experimentation with animals. mdf-Diagnostics is presenting the ByAxon project in the stand of the company to the conference attendees. [13.09.2017]
Be our Twitter header like @ByAxon_Project https://t.co/617Hm3AQKc. Send a #FP7 #H2020 team photo to editorial@cordis.europa.eu pic.twitter.com/wNZ44lGpiC
— EU Research Results (@CORDIS_EU) September 6, 2017
SESCAM & CSIC in the XVII Congress of the Spanish Society of Neuroscience
Our partners from SESCAM and CSIC will be presenting the project ByAxon in the poster session at the XVII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Neuroscience (SENC) in Alicante (Spain). This congress is bringing together every 2 years scientists working in the field of Neuroscience in Spain and Latino-America. The program of the congress can be viewed here. [28.09.2017]

M. Concepción Serrano in the II Conference of Young Therapeutic Chemist and Biochemist Researchers
Our partner M. Concepción Serrano, from ICMM-CSIC Madrid, has presented the ByAxon project in the plenary talk of the II Conference of Young Therapeutic Chemist and Biochemist Researchers, held in Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. The purpose of this second edition of the meeting is to stimulate the scientific exchange and dissemination of knowledge among young researchers from different universities, research centres and national companies in the field of Therapeutic Chemistry and Biochemistry. The talk entitled "Designing biomaterials with therapeutic potential: from blood vessels to the spinal cord" has reached young researchers, according to the organizing committee, from less than 40 years old as age limit. [05.10.2017]

Dr. Lucas Pérez, from IMDEA Nanociencia was explaining the role of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for the project ByAxon in Mes de la Ciencia in Guadalajara (Spain). In his talk, entitled "Nanoscience. When size matters" (in spanish), Lucas explained the current state of research in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, and the new applications under development that will change the future.
Mes de la Ciencia is a national initiative of Obra Social Ibercaja, that aims to demonstrate that science is part of the daily life and, additionally, can be fun. [08.11.207]

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The project ByAxon has deposited for the first time a journal publication in the repository Zenodo. With this action, the project complies with the European Commission policies on Open Access publishing and provides the research outputs openly to the society. The publication can be found in the ByAxon community within the repository, and can be viewed and downloaded here:
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Our project @ByAxon_Project was made possible thanks to #H2020 #InvestEUresearch #investEU pic.twitter.com/gxPyVkxlEt
— ByAxon_Project (@ByAxon_Project) November 7, 2017
Beatriz Rodilla (IMDEA Nanociencia) has contributed with a poster presentation to the conference Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences (NALS2017), held in the city of Gijón (Spain) from the 13th to the 15th of December 2017. Her contribution "Nano-electrodes for neural electrical activity measurements" is a joint output of the researchers of the ByAxon Consortium: Andrés Valera, Julio Camarero, M. Teresa González and Lucas Pérez.

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