Podcast "Coffee Break"
The latest publication of ByAxon in Advanced Biosystems journal is presented by enginneer Sara Robisco and discussed by scientists in the podcast "Coffee Break". The episode has an upper bound of 47.000 listenings. [28.08.2020]
Listen to the podcast (in Spanish):
Regional radio and TV (Madrid)
Vice-President of the Community of Madrid Ignacio Aguado visits IMDEA Nanociencia together with Science Counselor Eduardo Sicilia and they get interested in ByAxon project. The regional TV Telemadrid News programme and radio SER covered it. [27.01.2020]
Local TV (Toledo)
Mª Concepción Serrano (ICMM) and Elisa López (Hospital Parapléjicos Toledo) talks with Radiotelevisión Diocesana de Toledo with the occasion of the 3rd General Assembly of ByAxon. [19.09.2019]
Regional radio (Toledo)
Lucas Pérez, physicist and researcher of ByAxon at IMDEA Nanociencia, talks about magnetism and the project ByAxon in the regional radio La Ser Toledo. [28.09.2018]
Listen to the podcast (in Spanish):
Regional radio (Toledo)
María Concepción Serrano López-Terradas (ICMM-CSIC) in Castilla-La Mancha Media.
![CASTILLA-LA MANCHA HOY | María Concepción Serrano López-Terradas Doctora en Biología.](http://www.cmmedia.es/radio/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/NEUROLANDIA1.jpg)
National TV (Spain)
Teresa Rodríguez, principal investigator of ByAxon, explains the project in Lab24, a scientific dissemination programme of the Spanish national TV (minute 4:05). [04.07.2017]
Tweet thisNational TV (Spain)
Rodolfo Miranda, director of IMDEA Nanociencia and PI of ByAxon, together with Jose Raúl Castro, announces the project in "Conversatorios Casa América" --an interviews show of the Spanish national television. (minute 13:02). [02.06.2017]
Tweet thisRegional TV (Castilla la Mancha)
M. Concepción Serrano and Elisa López welcome the cameras of the Spanish regional TV news to the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos (SESCAM). Minute 13:10. [16.01.2017]
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